Friday, April 8, 2011

Life Lessons in Megaman

Arguably, kids these days learn as much from videogames as they do from school or the internet. The games now are much different than they were in the days of the early videogames though, some are designed to be educational and some are just outright violent. If we look at some of the lessons learned from Megaman, we can easily see how they apply to life:
The first one needs a little interpretation but yes, it is relevant to life that if you really can't do something try something else. The second is more of a joke so I can't really find a good meaning for it. The third is basically saying that bad people don't change, there are definitely some bad people out there like that.

The fourth thing not only applies to dogs being man's best friend, but also to friends being the most important thing in the world. Without them you'll get nowhere. The next 3 are more specific than the others and as such harder to apply.

The 3rd from last can also be taken to say even if you can't fix a problem a normal way, there's got to be a different way it can be done. The second to last is clearly anti-drug without any interpretation at all. And the very last is a hard life lesson that a lot of people don't realize the implications of.

Seems like most of those can readily be applied to real life with good success.

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