Friday, April 8, 2011

Morality in Megaman

In Megaman, the player is always fighting to defeat the (stated as) "evil Dr. Wily". This makes the morality fairly easy to determine as far as the broad scope of the game.

The part that isn't quite as easy is everything that comes before the final boss. Yes, Wily is evil. Yes, he needs to be stopped. But before that can happen Megaman must murder in cold blood 8 other sentient robots and all of their underlings. These robots were built by an evil man (except in the first one, then they even have the same creator) but does performing their jobs make them evil? After all, the robots are just following orders. We don't know that they enjoy this, maybe it would have been better to ask them to join before outright killing them on the spot.

Either way, Megaman murders hundreds of thousands of enemies every time he fights to get to Wily, and one just has to wonder if the other robots deserve it.

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