Friday, April 8, 2011

Megaman and Value

With a few exceptions, most games released for the NES are now fairly cheap to buy (3-5$ each). So while the majority of these cartridges are worthless, why is it that some of the Megaman games are still worth upwards of 50$?

One reason could be the game market today. Now games have become so easy that people may want them for their legendary challenge. This has actually become a problem in gaming recently because as people get better at games and the games get easier newer games become less and less entertaining. It's to the point where one has to wonder whether the videogame market can survive such a dumbing-down.

Another reason could possibly be the nostalgia of playing such a well known and long-running franchise in its original form. The fact that games are still being released in the franchise means that it's not possible to have the full collection yet, and holding on to the ones you can get could make them more valuable later if sold as a set. Yes there are compilations for later systems now (anniversary collection on the ps2) but the games have been slightly altered and no longer have their original feel.

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