Friday, April 8, 2011

Propaganda in Megaman

The whole reason behind Megaman's creation in the series is the oppression of the human race by the evil Dr. Wily. He was built directly as a result of Wily taking over as a dictator and controlling the human race with his robot army. Megaman's purpose is the freedom of mankind. To fight oppression.

I think The Protomen accurately described this in part of the subtext narrations of their song The Will Of One:

"The voices of the men and women carry him forward. Megaman has no fear. Standing between the sea of men and Megaman's final purpose is an army of robots, commanded by one leader. This is not Dr. Wily. Wily has no power on a field of battle. This is Wily's second in command. His face is shrouded in the shadow of the fortress, his rough features and solid construction obscured by the void of light."

This represents not only that humanity wishes this to end, but also that Megaman must overcome overwhelming odds in order to achieve his goal.

The underlying theme seems to be that a single individual is enough to make a difference when faced with the task of fighting overwhelming oppression. And that one should always fight for what's right.

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